Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The End of the World (The Bible's Viewpoint)

Predictions concerning the world's end always go viral. Some believe and are scared. Others dismiss them as just another hoax and don't care. Some others don't know what to believe.

Considering the world's condition today - the consecutive natural disasters, political, social and economic unrest, increasing wickedness and many others such as the ones mentioned in this Scripture: "But know this that in the last days, critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God." (2 Timothy 3:1-4), it's reasonable to believe that we are indeed nearing the end of the world. But as to the question of time and the manner of its occurrence, God's Word, the Bible, gives us accurate answers.

In the link below, we can read what really is the end of the world, when and how it will come, how we are affected as individuals. Please follow the link to see the light of truth that originated from the Almighty himself.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Time Line of Jesus' Life

The most interesting and and powerfully influential timeline of all time is presented in this simple yet moving music video.

It's the life of the greatest man who ever lived, who has touched and benefited the lives of millions who accepted him in their lives and have lived by his teachings.

You may follow this link to watch:

Time Line of Jesus' Life

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Just Around the Corner

How do you see the future? 

Can you see yourself in a new world where every wholesome desire of your heart is realized? 

...when all the suffering and wickedness in the world have become a thing of the distant past that's about to be forgotten? 

...when everyday that you wake up, you feel younger and stronger? 

...when you are happily reunited with your loved ones who have passed away?

...when you will just keep living forever on an earth transformed into a global Paradise?

How real is the new world to you?

"You open your hand 
And satisfy the desire of every living thing."
- Psalm 145:16

Here's a music video that can help you see yourself in that future new world. From our present standpoint, that world is just around the corner. From the video's perspective, the new world had come, and if we see ourselves there, then we remember how this earthly Paradise that we had been waiting for was just around the corner.

You may click on this link to watch the video. As you watch, enjoy the feeling of being there while shimmying with the happy melody.

Just Around the Corner

Sunday, February 5, 2017

How Can We Be Sure the Bible Is True?

The Bible is  "the word of God". - 1 Thessalonians 2:13

God "cannot lie". - Titus 1:2

How can we know that what these Bible verses say are true? Or is the Bible just a book of myths and legends?

This link shows a short video that outlines the criteria for a book to be considered as the Word of God. You may follow it to see this surprising information:

How Can We Be Sure the Bible Is True?

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Your Word Endures Forever

Have you ever wondered why a very ancient book, the Bible,  has become an object of attack for several centuries? But no matter how enemies of the truth tried to destroy it in different ways, they just couldn't succeed. It survived all those centuries of vicious attacks and was preserved for us today.

Have you ever wondered why many men were willing to risk their lives to preserve and translate the Bible? What value does it have so that they would give their lives for it?

Have you ever wondered what kind of book the Bible really is? Did you know that it's a living book that keeps touching peoples' hearts and changing lives for the better?

Have you tried digging deeper into it to find the treasures it offers us and what it REALLY teaches? If you haven't, it's worth the time and  effort to do so. You'll find surprises that you've never expected.

Here is a very stirring music video that tells us about the excellent value of God's Word, the Bible. It answers all the questions I raised above.

You may follow this link to watch, and listen carefully to the lyrics:

Your Word Endures Forever