Saturday, January 21, 2012

Money Management : Seven Wise Sayings

These sayings are recorded in an ancient book filled with tenets that have proved to be practical even in this highly technological modern world.

1. "A mere lover of silver will not be satisfied with silver;  neither any lover of wealth with income."
- King Solomon (Ecclesiastes 5:10)

King Solomon of Israel, one of the richest men who ever lived, based these words on his personal experiences and observations. Today, many wealthy men have been making similar remarks.

2. "If we have food and shelter, we will be satisfied with that. Those who long to be rich, however, stumble into temptation."
- Apostle Paul (1 Timothy 6:8,9)

Apostle Paul gave up a prestigious career and became a follower of Jesus Christ. He never coveted others' material things nor did he take advantage of his students' and associates' material possessions. Instead, he worked hard with his own hands to attend to his material needs.

3.  "Who of you that wants to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the expense, to see if he has enough to complete it?"
- Jesus Christ (Luke 14:28)

This illustration can be applied to a situation we might face. When making a purchase, especially with a credit card, do we buy impulsively or be patient and count the cost? Do we really need the item and can we afford it?

4. "Those who borrow are slaves of money-lenders."
- King Solomon (Proverbs 22:7)

In his 2009 book Your Money: Day One, Michael Wagner states:  "It is common for a person today to have, on average, over $9,000 in credit card debt on four or more credit cards."
This is just one example showing the folly of credit-card and other forms of debt, which is also exposed by the recent world financial crisis.

5.  "The wicked one is borrowing and does not pay back, but the righteous one is showing favor and is making gifts."
- King David (Psalm 37:21)

Some view declaring bankruptcy as an easy way out of paying back what they owe. But those who treasure their good relationship with God conscientiously pay back what they owe, as long as it's possible,  and they also give generously.

6.  "A young man I used to be, and I have also grown old, and yet, I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread."
- King David (Psalm 37:25)

King David suffered unjust treatment. He became a fugitive, sometimes living in caves and sometimes seeking refuge in a foreign land. Later, however, he became the king of ancient Israel. During his life, he personally experienced the truthfulness of the aforementioned words that he himself penned.

7.  "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving."
- Jesus Christ (Acts 20:35)

Spending his life on earth in the service of others, Jesus was certainly in the best position to say the words above. He experienced the greatest happiness as he served the interest of others.  Now he enjoys immortal spirit life in heaven at the right hand of his Father, Jehovah, "the happy God".

 (Based on Awake magazine, September, 2011, pages 8, 9)