Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why Does Our Life Seem Short?

Some tortoises live for 150 years, and some trees for 3,000 years. By contrast, the human life span is much shorter.  Yet, our life can be a lot more meaningful than that of a tortoise or a tree. Jehovah God created humans with the capacity to enjoy music, sports, dining, learning, traveling, and meeting people. God put in our hearts the desire for life without end.

"Everything he has made pretty in its time. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart...."
- Ecclesiastes 3:11

(Source: The Watchtower, October 1, 2012, page 16)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

How Can Children Change a Marriage?

Many parents know that children can change a marriage in unexpected ways. They may be thrilled at the arrival of their first baby. At the same time, the birth of their first child may be a catalyst for a crisis in a marriage. "An individual's emotional insecurities and a couple's unresolved issues may surface, exposed and magnified by the strains of parenthood."

Here are some questions that concern new parents:

* How can new parents adjust to the hectic first few months when the newborn requires all their attention?

* What can a couple do to maintain their intimacy?

* How can they handle any disagreements about parenting?

A thorough examination of these challenges and the principles that can help parents to meet such challenges can  be found in this link:

Keys to Family Happiness