Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Keep On Asking, and It Will Be Given You"

Have you ever wondered whether God hears your prayers? The greatest teacher related two interesting illustrations that teach us how to pray and be heard by God. 

Essence:  "God is eager to grant the proper requests of those who pray in faith."

Find out how this is possible by following this link:

"Keep on Asking...."

A Meaningful Life Is Possible

"The length of our days is seventy years - or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow." - Psalm 90:10

Indeed, life in this world is filled with troubles and sorrows. In view of this, most of us wonder if a truly meaningful life is possible even now.

The link below contains a series of short articles that will answer the question, Is a meaningful life really possible? We can also find a thorough examination of the life of a person who provided the key to a meaningful life and how we can effectively make use of that key. Please follow this link.