Monday, July 29, 2013

He Fills Our "Hearts to the Full"

"Everyday, God allows humans - even the most thankless among them - to benefit from his abundant goodness."

Consider this Scripture:

"In the past generations he permitted all the nations to go on in their ways, although, indeed, he did not leave himself without witness in that he did good, giving YOU rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling YOUR hearts to the full with food and good cheer." 
(Acts 14:16-17)

Find out how YOU are being benefited and what this tells you about your future by following this link:

He Fills Our "Hearts to the Full"

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Why All the Suffering?

Many heart-wrenching stories about human suffering have been reported over and over around the world. 

"Some people blame God, reasoning that our Creator does not care about the human family. Others conclude that God sees our suffering but simply chooses not to intervene. Still others say that such tragedies are predestined. There seems to be no end to opinions on the subject. Where can we find reliable and satisfying answers? ...In God's Word, the Bible, we can find answers on what causes suffering and how it will be brought to an end." 

Please follow this link to read the article or listen to an audio recording.

Why All the Suffering?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Should You Believe in the Trinity?

Trinity: the religious doctrine that the Father, the Son and the holy spirit together form one God

Billions of people worldwide believe in this doctrine. Hence, it is wise to know how the Trinity became an official doctrine and whether this teaching is in harmony with the Bible.

Some vital questions that need to be answered:

Is Jesus God?
Why should you care?

Please follow this link for enlightenment:

Should You Believe in the Trinity?