"When my disquieting thoughts
became many inside of me,
Your own consolations began
to fondle my soul."
- Psalm 94:19
When we experience much anguish and "disquieting thoughts", we have the assurance that our Creator understands us in every way. He perfectly understands the debilitating effects that depression and other serious illnesses can have on our imperfect minds and bodies. He knows what causes our disquieting thoughts and how we can best cope under the present circumstances. He even revealed how he will cure depression and other sicknesses forever.
photo by Charlene N.K. |
Through the pages of his Word, the Bible, we can find a wealth of comforting and reassuring words that can give us calmness, consolation and inner joy. Because of God's consolations, we feel like our souls are being fondled or caressed by a loving and protective hand.
If we make it a habit to spend time reading God's Word daily, we get a daily dose of comfort that relieves us from the burdens of everyday, including our sicknesses. We will also find out how God will put an end to our disquieting thoughts forever and what he has in store for us in the future.
And there will be no worries at all....