It's an ancient book, and yet the message is always fresh. It's still practical even in this period of advanced technology.
Hence, the World Book Encyclopedia has this to say regarding this book: "The Bible is the most widely distributed book in history."
"Millions of people the world over place their full trust in an ancient book called the Holy Bible. They look to this book to direct their steps. They base their decisions on its advice and pattern their actions after its teachings. Are such individuals stepping, as it were, onto rotten planks?"
"Trust not to rotten planks," wrote English dramatist William Shakespeare. Indeed before stepping onto the wooden planks of a boat, you would want to be sure that the wood was not rotten.
Those words of Shakespeare echo the sentiments of wise King Solomon of ancient Israel, who some 3,000 years ago wrote: “A fool will believe anything; smart people watch their step.” (Proverbs 14:15, Today’s English Version)
Can we trust the Bible? In the following link, we will examine five reasons why millions of people are convinced that the Bible is worthy of trust. After reading it, you may decide for yourself whether the Bible merits your trust. If it does, you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to consider what it has to say.
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Reasons to Trust the Bible