Some can endure and successfully cope with their situation. But others can't accept a life full of sufferings. They go about getting mad at life to the point of taking their own lives because they can no longer bear their sufferings.
Others blame God, especially when someone tells them that human suffering is God's will. They stop believing in Him, saying, If there is God, then why does he allow suffering? Doesn't he care at all about us?
The article found in the link below offers an enlightenment on this subject. It addresses the question, Why does God allow suffering? It also answers the questions, Has God caused the suffering in the world? and How will God undo the effects of human suffering? Reading this article is a very comforting and satisfying experience. It can give hope to the hopeless and life to the "lifeless". The rewards are much more marvelous than what we have ever imagined.
Read on by following the link below.