Monday, December 6, 2010

Remaining in God's Love

Millions of people around the world have been deeply touched by the great love that our Heavenly Father has for mankind. They specially appreciate the magnitude of such love each time they think about how God gave his only-begotten Son for us, and how the Son, Jesus, willingly obeyed his Father's will that he (Jesus) should offer his life as a ransom sacrifice so that believing mankind will attain eternal life. (John 3:16) That is why this event in mankind's history has been dubbed as "the greatest expression of love."

God's love for us has moved us to love Him in return. Those who have felt such deep love can truly say that they have been blessed with a more meaningful and satisfying life. There's no other life best spent than the assurance that God loves us and is blessing us in many ways, and that we love Him in return and do our best to serve Him.

Since there's a tendency for our love to cool off, what should we do to remain in God's love? The Son of God tells us how.

“If you observe my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love.” (John 15:10)

It is clear that Jesus remained in God’s love by observing his Father’s commandments. The same is true of us today. To remain in God’s love, we need to apply the truth in everyday life. Jesus continues:

“If you know these things, 
happy you are if you do them.” 
(John 13:17)

Yes, applying the truth in our life, that is, observing God's commandments and following the footsteps of His Son, will help us to keep ourselves “in God’s love . . . with everlasting life in view.” (Jude 21)