"Your word is a lamp to my foot,
And a light to my roadway."
-Psalm 119:105
This world is in dismal state where people grope about in darkness, not knowing whether there are predators that lurk in some hidden corners and suddenly prance at them. Or there may be some boulders along the way that may cause them to stumble and get hurt.
On this account, we need a lamp to light our road way. According to the aforementioned Scripture, "Your word", referring to the Word of God, is the light that guides us. God's written word, the Bible, is filled with divine guidance and principles that help us to evaluate our situation and offer us the right course to take. In order to have this light, we must spend some time each day to examine God's Word, meditate on what we read and apply the principles in our lives. If we do this, we can protect ourselves from dangers, and we can walk straight on to success.