"For he has satisfied
the dried-out soul;
And the hungry soul he has filled
with good things."
-Psalm 107:9
Our constant daily struggles can make us weary. Pressures and anxieties lie on our shoulders like heavy loads, gradually sapping us of energy. We want to do other things that we truly enjoy but it may not be possible because of the numerous responsibilities that we should primarily accomplish.
Added to our endeavors to make a living, we also encounter problems with our fellows which can be discouraging and can drain us of what strength is left in us. Our soul becomes "hungry" and "dried-out", as the Scripture says.
Nevertheless, our loving Father has this promise of saturating or fully satisfying us. He sees to it that we can maintain good spiritual and emotional health which are vital for us to keep our joy amid difficulties. Such godly joy prevents us from losing our power to go on living and succeed in whatever we do.
Again, we can see from this passage that God is interested in our feelings as individuals, and he assures us that he will refresh and satisfy us. But for us to benefit from this loving assurance, we must have full trust in him and run to him for assistance. Only then can we truly feel and understand the import of this promise.