Who has not heard of the greatest man who ever lived, Jesus Christ? Or about "The Last Supper" or The Lord's Evening Meal? Indeed, Jesus is known throughout the world as the Great Teacher and the Miracle Worker. Even those who don't have faith in him acknowledge his existence and his role in history.
A few days ago, I asked some university students if they believed in Jesus. They replied, "No." I then followed up my question with, "But have you studied about him in some of your subjects, like history?" This time they answered yes. And some of them expressed their desire to learn more about him.

Now, many people throughout the world remember the events that took place before and after his death. They commemorate the day when he gave his life in our behalf. He willingly sacrificed his life so that we will attain the wonderful future that his Father has promised to His human creations from the beginning. It is an eternal life which became possible only through Jesus' ransom sacrifice.
But even now, his life, teachings and death have greatly influenced and benefited us in many ways. Only those who truly search for him and his Father, and those who keep following them, will perfectly understand the wonderful benefits that come from the knowledge that they acquire as a result of their search.
The link below will direct us to a very interesting and soul-stirring article concerning the effects of Jesus' life and death to us. Spending just a few minutes to read it will be a life-changing experience.