Sunday, July 25, 2010

Guarding Against Unbridled Rage

 "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with YOU in a provoked state,  neither allow place for the Devil." - Ephesians 4:28,27

 It's only natural to be angry, and our anger may be justifiable. But remaining in an angry or wrathful state will only do us harm. Aside from its ill effects on our physical health, it can also put us in a position where the Devil can easily prey on us and induce us to do something evil against our fellows and against God. 

So if we feel that rage is brewing in us, it's best to pray immediately and ask God to help us be "cool of spirit" and have self control so that we can avoid acting in a harmful way. If our rage is caused by some disputes with our fellows, we must settle them peacefully as soon as possible. We should not allow ourselves to remain in a provoked state and be a victim of the Devil's malicious designs to destroy us.