"Were I to take the wings of the dawn,
That I might reside in the most remote sea,
That I might reside in the most remote sea,
There, also, your own hand would lead me
And your right hand would lay hold of me."
- Psalm 139:9,10
Wherever we go in the world, whether in the brightest of places or in the deepest of shadows, our Heavenly Father has his eyes upon us, taking note of what we do. Whatever we do, be it pleasant in his eyes, or unpleasant, still he takes note of it. Even if we try to hide from him, we cannot escape from his ever watchful eyes.

However, this fact should not make us uncomfortable. On the contrary, we should be happy because he is always there on the lookout for our own safety. He is not out to find fault with us or to make us feel exposed or unworthy because of some mistakes that we make. Rather, he is there, watching over us, in order to find opportunities for him to help and protect us from anything that may put us in danger. He is a loving and caring Father who wants his children to live a happy and successful life.